Novel Name : King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 9

Chapter 9The High Witches KIARA I hadn’t been able to sleep properly . Both Alejandro and I had tossed and
turned . The sun hadn’t even risen but I sat up , picking up the pad and forcing myself to write the second
message . I was halfway through it when Alejandro woke up . We had barely slept , although we had
been trying to sleep for the last four hours . How could we sleep when our baby girl was somewhere ? All
alone . I knew he wanted to get back out there to look for our pup .
His arm was around me , his hand over mine as I wrote the words , painstakingly slow . The sparks of his
touch were like the comfort of warmth on a winter day . He didn’t speak , simply placing a few comforting
kisses on my neck and shoulder . ‘ A debt must always be repaid , by blood or by life . ‘ I had done it ! I
gasped , dropping the pen . Alejandro instantly grabbed some napkins from the tray of left – over food
from last night and dabbed them gently over my bleeding hand , then over the paper that was smeared
with blood . ” This person’s got some fucking problem with me … “
A debt ? What are they going on about ? ” I closed my eyes , leaning against his shoulder . My intuition
was doing nothing to help , I hated this . ” I don’t know , but it could be fucking decades old . The witches
should be here soon , and I need to make the recording to put out there for the kidnappers ‘ demands
before they get here . ” He said quietly . I nodded and he gave me a deep kiss before we both got up ,
ready to face the day and find answers . He left first after washing and dressing . I washed my face and
brushed my teeth , rummaging through the suitcase I had grabbed from the other room last night , pulling
on some shorts and an oversized top . I didn’t want to wear any of this
top . I didn’t want tocar any of this colourful crap but it was all I had brought along . Who would have
thought our family trip for the girls ‘ birthday would end like this ? How had Kataleya spent the night ? My
stomach twisted and I felt sick with worry . She was out there … I had just left the room , carrying the tray
o f leftovers from last night , when Mom stepped out of Skyla’s room , although it wasn’t even dawn yet .
It seemed I wasn’t the only one who couldn’t sleep .” Kia . ” She smiled softly at me and came over , running her fingers through my hair . Oh yeah … I
hadn’t combed it … ” We are going to find her . ” She said , determination blazing in her sage green eyes
. I nodded as she took the tray from me . ” I know .
” ” Sky is asleep , I’ll keep an eye on her . ” ” Thank you … I’m just going to go check o n Dante and Del .
” She nodded , and we both went our separate ways . I knocked lightly on the door , but heard no reply , I
slowly opened the door to see the bathroom door was shut and the shower was on . Both Delsanra and
Dante lay there in the same state as yesterday . I sat on the bed , placing my hands on their chests as I
poured my healing into them , still nothing I sighed , staring down at Dante with sadness in my eyes .
The bathroom door opened and Rayhan stepped out , wearing only his pants and a towel around his
shoulders . ” Seems like everyone’s up early . ” He said , pulling on his shirt . I nodded and pointed to the
wardrobe .
” Alejandro has some clothes in there if you need anything . ” I stood up , looking down at the two . ” Was
there any change a t night ? ” ” Nothing at all . ” ” I sighed heavily , feeling restless , I needed to make
myself useful . ” Have you asked Maria about the kids ? ” I asked , feeling another flash of guilt rush
through me . He nodded .
” They’re fine , Ri’s gone down . They’ll be alright . ” ” Thanks . ” I sighed . ” I’ll leave you to it , have
breakfast before you head out . ” He nodded and I left the room , heading downstairs . I paused at the
open archway t o the sitting area , Alejandro was seated there , his face emotionless and cold as he
looked directly at the laptop screen . Darien was standing to the side , out of view of the camera . … all
means . If it’s revenge or a debt , then I’m who you want . Whatever your fucking demand is , I’m ready
to accept it .
Just make sure the child is unharmed .. Money , power , or if I’m your fucking goal , the word and I’m
yours . ” say His face was emotionless , his eyes hard and cold . If I didn’t know him better , one would
think he wasn’t really bothered about the loss of his child , or that he didn’t have a heart . Despite the fact
that his words said otherwise , his cold and uncaring demeanour remained . H ” I’ll await your demand .He switched it off and ran a hand through his hair before taking out a cigarette and lighting it . His eyes
met mine and I gave him a small forced smile before heading t o the kitchen where Mom and Serena ,
Darien’s mate , who must have come sometime last night , were making breakfast . ” Kia . ” She said ,
brushing back a strand of her blonde hair and hugging me tightly . ” Serena … ” I hugged her back , not
saying anything , before pulling away and began helping . I knew the men were leaving soon . Liam had
already gone and I wanted to go too … I couldn’t just sit back and do nothing . I took a plate to the
lounge , where Alejandro was at the open patio doors smoking . Using a phone with the other hand , a
frown on his face . ” Baby . ” He glanced at me , and I raised the plate in a gesture for him to eat . ” I’m
not hung ” For Kataleya . ” That stopped him , and he
o come with you , I want to search for her too . ” took á slice of toast , biting into it . ” I want t ” No. We
can’t risk it , if something happens to you- ” ” Al , she’s my daughter too . I can’t just sit by when I’m
worried for you , for everyone , and above all , for my baby girl . ” ” No. I’m not risking it . ” ” Al … I want
to go . ” I pleaded , feeling a sting of pain at his blatant refusal . ” And I fucking said no , I’m not having
someone else I love out there . ” ” Excuse me ? Rayhan is out there ! Is this because I’m a woman , so I
should stay holed up inside ? ” I exclaimed . Didn’t he get that I can’t just stay still and do nothing ? ”
Think of it however the fuck you want . You are not leaving this villa . ” His tone was cold and final , and
when his piercing black eyes met mine , I knew he wasn’t going to budge . His words stung and I
pressed my lips together . ” I am strong and I am not going to sit by and let my daughter suffer whilst I
play the helpless , worried , mother ! ” I snapped , my irritation brimming over the surface .
” Kiara . This is about fucking playing safe .. He said quietly , glancing at the open archway , but I didn’t
care who heard . ” I am not going to play safe when my daughter is out there ! ” My voice shook and my
vision blurred . ” You will . ” My eyes flashed as I glared at him through my tears . I was a queen and I
was not going to back down . ” Kia … ” He put his phone away , reaching for me , but I stepped out of his
reach , shaking my head . ” What about you ? Don’t you think that it hurts me too , knowing that you
might be sacrificing yourself ?! Do you see me complaining ? ” ” I’m her father- ”” And I’m her mother ! ” I cried as he grabbed hold of my arms . ” I know Amore Mio , and you always
fucking will be , but I need to do this for m y family . For me to be fucking sane out there , I need to know
that the rest of you are safe . ” He said coldly , despite his voice remaining quiet , one hand forcing my
chin up to look at him . I refused to , staring past his head . ” We aren’t safe here either . For goddess’s
sake Alejandro , they were here ! They placed those letters ! I am a blessed wolf , I’m the queen , and
above all , I’m her mother ! I can’t just sit back and do nothing ! ” His eyes flashed red , his brows
furrowing . ” I fucking know , but it’s safer here than out there . Besides , the witches are coming and I
need you here . ” ” They won’t be here forever . ” I replied . ” We are not doing this , you ain’t fucking
going . ” I ripped free from his hold , glaring at him . Kia….
” Whatever . ” I shook my head , turning and storming out of the room , not caring for the men and few
women who were ready to leave with Alejandro . I am not going to just sit here and do absolutely fuck all
! ” Kiara . ” Mom’s voice broke me out of my rage and I knew she had heard the argument . ” I don’t
agree with him , but he has a point . He won’t be able to focus knowing you are out there . ” W ” That’s
not my problem . ” I whispered , brushing past her , my heart clenching with pain at my own harsh words
. ” Kiara ! ” Mom called but I refused to look or listen to anyone when Skyla’s little voice called me . ”
Mama ? ” I turned , my heart breaking at the sight of her sorrow – filled face . ” Darling . ” I whispered ,
rushing up the stairs . I hugged her tightly . ” Mama , Kataleya … ” She whispered . ” We are going to find
her . ” I reassured her , trying to hide my own tears .
” And bring her home . I fucking promise . ” Alejandro’s voice came from behind me . I tensed , feeling
guilt fill me as he crouched down , placing a hand on my back , his other arm wrapping around Skyla and
my shoulder . He kissed her forehead before looking at me . ” Forgive me , Amore Mio … ” He leant over
, claiming my lips in a passionate deep kiss . I kissed him back slowly , looking up at him as he moved
away , brushing away a stray tear from my cheek before he stood up and took the steps down three at a
time .
I will give them three hours , if there’s nothing , then I was going to go and no one was going to stop me
from looking for my daughter . He stopped at the door , and turning , his gaze met mine . ‘ I love you ,Amore Mio. ‘ ‘ I love you too . ” He gave me one of his sexy smirks before he disappeared just as the sun
began to rise outside . ” Sky , Kia , how about some breakfast ? “
Navig@te back to th€ roots of thïš substance at n0v^lebookMom asked . I nodded , lifting Skyla up . ” Mama , I’m not a baby . ” She whispered , and I frowned ,
concerned at her words . ” I know baby , but can’t I carry you ? ” I asked her as she led the way down the
stairs . ” No. I’m a big girl , I’m going to be strong , like Kataleya . ” She whispered , her eyes saddening .
” You are both strong . ” I gave her hand a gentle squeeze , following Mom into the kitchen . ” Will Dante
wake up ? I promise I won’t call him a dumb dumb again ?
” Skyla asked , climbing onto one of the bar stools as Serena placed a plate of food in front of her . ” He
will . ” I said smiling gently at her , taking a seat , but refusing the plate of breakfast Serena offered me ,
instead just picking up the mug of mocha Mom had passed me . ” Now eat up so you can get dressed
and watch some TV . ” I was very aware of Julio and several guards situated inside of the house , all on
alert . Once Serena took Skyla to get her dressed , Mom turned to me , concern clear on her gorgeous
face . ” You know , Alejandro will do his best .
” # 1 ” I know , Mom , but I can use my abilities too . ” ” Liam’s there . He is intuitive too . Keep faith Kia
and trust in them . ” 11 ” Mom , if it were you , would you just sit home ? ” I asked , frowning . The
sunlight bathed the counter , and if one didn’t know better , they would never think there was so much
conflict and trouble within the walls of this villa . She looked down before giving me a small , faint smile
and shaking her head . ” No , but from a wiser person’s point of view , don’t be reckless . ” ” You’re
contradicting yourself , Mom . ” ” But please , listen to him . ” She persisted . ” I’m giving him time . ” I
said quietly . I turned towards the window , feeling the witch’s approach , Mom hadn’t sensed them . ”
They’re here . “
Mom looked up sharply , her heart skipping a beat , and I knew she was hoping that the witches had
some answers to what was happening to Dante and Delsanra . I left the kitchen , hurrying t o the front
door and pulled it open , looking at the two older women who stood before me . ” High Witch Magdalene, High Witch Janaina . ” I lowered my head slightly in respect and both women did the same to m e .
Janaina had once been a lone witch , it was when Rayhan found his mate Delsanra that we ended up
being at peace with the witches . Janaina was Delsanra’s paternal aunt , although she didn’t really like to
talk about it . She was also the one who gave me the necklace that Dante now wore to conceal his aura .

Would you like a drink or shall we head upstairs ? ” I asked . ” Let’s not waste time . ” Magdalene said ,
waving her hand and the door shut behind them . She observed the guards around the hall as I led the
way upstairs . ” What exactly happened ? ” Janaina asked , and I swiftly filled them in on what , I knew ;
how Delsanra’s spell seemed to backfire and the ominous feeling I had felt in the room . ” A presence ? ”
She asked sharply as I opened the door to the bedroom . ” Yes , I definitely felt like there was something
here . ” I admitted , my eyes falling to the two on the bed , the red veins covering their entire skin .
Magdalene sucked in a breath whilst Janaina frowned deeply . ” They are cursed . ” Magdalene stated ,
the moment she looked down at the sleeping duo . ” It was a natural mistake for Delsanra Silver to make
…. Her ability of darkness and fire … if you use the wrong magic against a curse , it only strengthens i t .
Her nor Serafina would be able to break this curse , for it is only fuelled by the element of fire . ” ” Then
can you help ? ” I asked . She paused and sighed .
” We need the talisman where the curse was cast upon .In this case , it may have been a weapon or
something , whatever made contact with the prince . ” ” Alejandro said a wolf attacked him and h e killed
that wolf . ” I added , looking down a t Dante , whose skin looked grey . ” Then it’s a loss … The only one
who can break it , is the caster .
” Janaina murmured . ” So , until then , what can we do ? ” ” We could t try to see if we can at least ease
the effect of it , maybe to the point of bringing them to consciousness . Magdalene muttered , placing a
finger on Delsanra’s forehead . She frowned and I felt power emanate from her . She jerked back
suddenly , almost as if she had been burned , clutching her hand . ” Odd … ” ” What is it ? ” ” This is notthe doing of any witch or necromancer . ” Magdalene said , in a hushed tone . ” Then what is it ? ” I
asked , fear filling me .
” A demon . ” But from the look on both their almost emotionless faces , I knew there was a lot more to it
than that , and something told m e it was not going to be good …

Read King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 9 By Moonlight Muse

King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Chapter 9 Updated Here. King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Author Moonlight Muse update Chapter 9,She knew she was home whenever she was with him,With a bouquet of wildflowers, he professed his love,With a single word, he captured her heart completely,With a soft sigh, she melted into his embrace,She found home in the warmth of his embrace,Their love was a beacon, guiding them through the darkness, King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha Has the latest chapter been updated?


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