Novel Name : The Italian&##039;s proposal

Chapter 22


They arrived at Timothy’s penthouse, she didn’t utter a word, and this worried him.

Her gray eyes were no longer tearing up.

He hated himself and considered himself one of the drops that filled Melody’s cup of feelings. He had
made her leave, got her to her parents’ house and suffer.

They rode up the elevator in silence, she continued to not look at him.

He made a couple of calls to set her up with a tour of as many clothing and shoe stores as she wanted,
looking to distract her.

“Melody...” he called to her as the doors opened and they entered the penthouse. “Gorgeous, if you
need to talk, I’m here.”

“No. I’m fine,” she said without looking at him, walking to the room he offered her when she moved in
with him.

By forcing her to move in with him.

He was beginning to realize that he would have been just like the others. He forced her into everything.
To accept his proposal, to marry him, to move into his apartment, to not tell anyone that it was all a


He was one of the bunch. One who didn’t think about her and what she wanted.

About what might make her happy.

“No, gorgeous,” he said reaching for her and taking her cold hands in his, “you’re not okay. You don’t
have to hide anything from me.”

“I don’t...”

“No,” he interrupted her, stroked her cheek. He wanted so hard to kiss her, to taste her, to try to soothe
all the pain she’d been through at her parents’ house. “Don’t lie to my face, Melody.”

“I just don’t want to think about it,” she murmured, biting her lips.

“But you must think about it. You have to or you won’t be able to close the loop and move on,” she was
surprised how easily he could talk to her like that, calmly, lovingly. He was a heretic if he didn’t admit
that he had grown fond of Melody Redford.

“You’ve become a psychologist in less than a day? I’m surprised you want me to talk now, when I’ve
been trying for days and you wouldn’t listen.”

“I know and I will regret all my life for what I caused you,” he said seeking her gaze, he took her chin
and lifted it so she could see his face. He was sick of being misunderstood and her not believing him.
Even though he had only been looking for that reaction. “I’m terribly sorry. You don’t know how much
I’ve hated myself since I found out it wasn’t you.”

Melody said nothing for several seconds. For a moment he thought she was going to faint or that her
brain was finally tired of keeping up the appearance of not caring at all.

“Melody...” he said, her eyes glittering addictively.

“Can you be quiet for a moment,” she interrupted as she pulled his face close and stood on tiptoe,
kissing him softly.

But he had been wanting all night to kiss her. He took her in his arms and deepened the kiss until she
moaned against his lips.

“I want you,” she said pressing herself tighter against him. “Make me forget everything.”

He couldn’t take advantage of her no matter how much his member screamed at him otherwise.


“No, don’t say I’m not well. I don’t care. Tonight, I don’t want to think. I don’t care to think. I know you
just want to marry me to make a profit. I’m all alone in this world anyway.”

“Don’t say that Melody. Your father loves you. While he may not have been on his best behavior at first,
I’m sure your family will come around.” If they didn’t, he would ensure that she was happy.

That thought came to him suddenly and he couldn’t dismiss it.

He locked his gaze on her. On how her eyes looked at him desiring what her lips uttered.

“I don’t want to take advantage of you.” He did want to, but he controlled himself as best he could. “I
want you. Ever since I saw you, ever since I kissed you, ever since I held you close... I haven’t been
able to stop thinking about you. Don’t ask me to do this, I won’t be able to stop.”

That was why he had been so upset to find out that she was behind the robbery. Or at least that’s what
Equilay made him think.

Because he was attracted to this flirtatious little woman, so distinct and easy to endear herself to.

“Take advantage of me. Do what you want. Be a dog. But tonight, love me,” she kissed him again, this
time harder, more intense. “No regrets Timothy. For a moment forget I’m pregnant, look at me
differently. I know I’m not so...”

“Hush,” he kissed her, trying to make her forget her insecurities.

To him she was beautiful in a peculiar way, one he didn’t understand.

He kissed her with absolute desire, caressing her lips with his, playing with her mouth, she was
receptive and parted her lips so he could insert his tongue. It was paradise. She kissed him as if she
were making love to him with her mouth.

It drove him crazy and unleashed something in him that he hadn’t felt for a long time.

He lifted her up, still kissing her lips and led her to his room.

Laying her slowly on the bed. Above all, his mind kept thinking that she was pregnant and the last thing
he wanted, was to hurt that baby.

“I want you Melody, I do. But I don’t want to hurt your child, I wouldn’t forgive myself if for a few hours

“Nothing is going to happen,” he didn’t want to think about her researching sex while pregnant or if she
simply had done it with the father of the child she was expecting.

She looked up at him from the bed smiling and with fire injected eyes.

“What? What’s funny? Do I have something on my face?”

“No. But I can’t believe I’m going to make love with you,” she bit her lower lip and stood up from the
bed, he watched her, lusting after every part of her body.

“I will make love to you. It’s a fact,” he admitted, sure of the reality they shared. “Nothing is going to
stop me from enjoying tonight what I’ve been dreaming of for days,” the confession managed to make
her startle. “You don’t believe me? Feel me.”

He took one of her hands and placed it on top of his erection, the one that throbbed and almost ached.

Desire her?

That was an understatement.

“Wow...” she murmured, looking at the spot where her hand was.

“That’s how you turn me on. Never doubt my desire for you again.”

“I didn’t know you could find me attractive,” she looked lost and yet, so sensual.

“Don’t give me that look. Don’t. You’re going to make me lose my mind. Se mi guardi così, non sarò in
grado di controllarmi,” and it was true, if she kept looking at him, so eager and aroused, he wouldn’t be
able to control himself.

“I like it when you speak Italian to me,” Melody looked at him and glued right to him, she pulled her
dress over her head and threw it on the floor. “I don’t understand anything, but it makes me want to kiss
you and hold you close.”

He couldn’t move. Only his eyes seemed to be able to move.

She sat on the edge of the bed and took off her shoes and they fell at his feet.

She was in her underwear. A tiny little bump, growing in her lower belly. But if he didn’t know she was
indeed pregnant, he wouldn’t believe there was other than a simple little belly.

“God! sei bella. You are beautiful,” he placed himself at her feet, on his knees, she deserved to have
him in any way and position she wanted. For her, he was simply capable of more than she wanted to

His heart was beating fast, pumping a sensual energy through his veins. He felt his blood connecting
only with his member, but he didn’t care. He began to leave small kisses from the soles of her feet, all
the way up her thighs, leaving a trace of heat and desire.

He wanted her.

He felt the gray gaze on him, that increased the delight that was touching her.

He moved to her lips, seeking them desperately, with hunger and desire. He bowed his head and felt
his stomach grow nervous. He wasn’t a virgin, but he was as nervous as if he were.

“I should let you rest, let you sleep,” he told her as he kissed her and caressed her breasts above the
fabric of her bra. They were small and round, they fit perfectly in his hands. All of her was perfect for

“I’m not tired,” she replied as she slid her tongue across his lower lip, causing him to let out a growl and
pull her tighter against him.

He intensified the kiss, making it more passionate and leaving her trembling and thirsty in his arms. His
tongue sought Melody’s, to dance together a prelude to a magical night.

She returned the same fervor with which he kissed her. He felt her fingers on his neck, on his chest,
unbuttoning the buttons of his shirt. When he felt her hands were too much for him, he pulled away
from her lips a little and removed his shirt in one sharp movement. He listened as the buttons popped
and fell to the floor.

“Your shirt,” he heard her say.

“I don’t care, I have more,” and he kissed her again. Devouring her mouth. He felt as if the hunger on
his lips would never be satiated.

It was like eating after a month of being famished. And she didn’t help to avoid that thought, as her
caresses dug into his soul.

She began to remove the thong from his pants and as he felt her fingers near his erection, he wanted
to pass out and at the same time ride her, as if he were a caveman.

“Wait,” he told her and in a much-improved version of Flash, he stripped, standing completely naked in
front of her.

Timothy held her by the hips and pulled her up to the pillows, as he began kissing her neck, and
causing her to squirm in his arms. Without removing her bra, he embraced one of her breasts with his
mouth, biting down a little, just enough to make Melody moan his name.

He touched her as if he felt that at any moment she would break, gently, lovingly, with delight.

He always had made love with desperation, with lust, and though at that moment, he felt he should be
inside her, he wanted to take it as slowly as possible, wanted her to enjoy it, to remember it forever.

That thought depressed him.

He didn’t want her to remember him.

If she did, it would mean he would no longer be by her side.

He ran his hands down her abdomen, until he reached her panties, these were black lace, a delight
before his eyes. He caressed her where her ultimate pleasure was hidden, brushing the fabric of her
panties against her sex and his fingers. She writhed in pleasure, arching her back with a jolt of

He withdrew then, exchanging his fingers for his mouth, delicately ran his wet tongue over the fabric,
tasting her sex, caressing her entire exterior with his tongue. Just where his fingers had been a few

seconds before. The smell of musk flooded the room, and this quickened Timothy’s heart rate.

He withdrew gently, more than he felt, his hands trembling as he pulled down the thin lace. Leaving in
front of him, Melody’s waxed, rosy sex. He parted the inner folds with his fingers and licked gently, with
slow movements, back and forth. Slowly and progressively, as he listened to Melody’s pleasure-filled
moans. He inserted two fingers inside her, while with his mouth, he sucked and sucked with awareness
and delight her clitoris. It was a delight to feel her and hear her let out little moans. He moved inside
her, intensifying Melody’s pleasure, it was delicious to watch her from below, she didn’t take her eyes
off him, as he ate her ferociously.


His name was lost on her lips, as he thrust his fingers deeper and harder inside her. He felt her pussy
contract around his fingers and watched her raise her hips seeking more of his touch.

She was beautiful.

He continued to move his fingers inside her, until he saw her gently come down from the cloud she had
risen to. He moved to her lips and kissed her deeply.

“You’re so damn beautiful. I’d give anything to always see you happy,” the confession was so deep that
it scared him.

“Then make love to me,” she pleaded clutching his face, “make love to me and don’t think about
tomorrow. We’re here now.”

“I can’t think of anything if you look at me like that. If you talk to me like that. It’s like you’re getting
inside my brain.”

“It’s only fair,” she smiled, and he melted as he watched her. Every detail wrapped him up more. “I
haven’t thought about anything else for days now, but you. You knew how to get inside my head.”

“Let me get inside you and show you how you never think about anyone else again, for the rest of your

And for a moment, whether it was for the heat and pleasure of the moment, he felt she believed him.

They kissed again, this time he didn’t stop until he felt her under his body, full of pleasure and heat. He
pushed himself into her slowly.

He was sure Melody didn’t have any kind of disease and pregnant she already was. He didn’t have
time to think about anything else. He always had been careful about sex, but on this occasion, he
looked for every reason, to feel satisfied, for being selfish and wanting to feel her all over.

“You fill me up,” she whispered into his ear, as he began to move slowly, giving her time to get used to
him being inside her.

“Does it hurt?” his teeth were clenched. He could barely get the words out. He was trying to control
himself. But Melody’s inner muscles weren’t making it easy for him.

She was so tight, he thought he was dying of pleasure.

If it was possible to die of pleasure, he was sure he was going to do it tonight.

“I want you so bad, it hurts,” she said. “Make love to me.”

He waited for no other sign. He began to move inside her. She entwined her legs around his waist,
even with her bra on, watching her breasts rise and fall with his movements. It was heavenly. He felt as
if they had been making love all their lives. She closed her eyes and let herself be carried away by

pleasure. Timothy was burning with pleasure and she grips his hands, made him thrust deeper inside

“Are you all right? If it hurts, the slightest bit, please tell me to stop.”

“I don’t want... I don’t want you to stop,” she opened her eyes and beamed reassurance at him, not
taking away the worry he felt completely, but, yes, encouraging him not to stop.

He paused for a moment, and pulled out of her body slowly, though his member throbbed, and the cold
prickled every hair on his skin.

“Come,” he lay down on the bed and mounted her, with one easy movement, over him. “You lead the
pace. Tonight, is all about you. I want you to enjoy, I want you to come and scream my name. But I
want you to be the one in control.”

“You’re not going to hurt the baby,” she realized he was afraid.

“I don’t want to hurt either of you,” he was deadly serious.

She grabbed his penis and gently inserted it as she held his gaze.

The most erotic thing he ever felt and experienced.

He settled inside her and she accepted and received him completely. Melody closed her eyes and
placed her hands on his chest.

He encouraged her to seek her own pleasure, thrusting inside her, moving his hips. She set her own
rhythm and he let herself do it, even though it was torture, he let her ride him, accommodate and
possess him. That activated and excited him, more than he could ever have imagined.

He let out a moan, he was at the limit of his restraint, he wanted to fill her with his seed, he wanted to
release everything he felt and explode inside her. But he held back a little longer. Bringing one of his
hands to her sex and another gripping her hip and squeezing it gently. He moved his fingers over her
excited, erect bud and watched her as she moaned, and his name escaped her lips. Holding back, he
then entered her slowly and gently.

Every cell in his body vibrated and fluttered with Melody’s movements riding him. Each time he thrust in
and out, rocking inside her, submitting to her rhythm, to her taste, to her pleasure. He felt her
completely and he knew, she felt him. He intensified the movement in her sex and quickly, he felt the
internal muscles contract again, this time more delicious, because he was inside. The impact shook
him hard; it was intense to feel her begin to reach orgasm and he let himself go, feeling her pull him
with her. The wave of pleasure swept them both away and she fell onto his wasted body.

Seconds passed before he could catch his breath.

He hugged her gently and felt her heart pounding against his chest.

The sensation was indescribable.

“Gorgeous, are you all right?” he asked caressing her back gently. “Did I hurt you?”

She moved her head on his chest.

“Are you sure?”

“I’m better than okay. I’ve never...”

“Mel? il mio tesoro?” he was suddenly concerned by her silence.

He shifted gently, moving out of her body slowly and laying her on the bed, her head on one of his
arms. He had no desire whatsoever to let go of her.


“I’m embarrassed,” she said tucking her face into his neck.

“Embarrassed? Since when are you embarrassed to say something you think?” he had no idea what
was wrong with her. She wouldn’t shut up about anything. She was a beast. “That’s what I love about
you, cara mia. You always say what you think. Even if you make enemies. You do and say what you
think best.”

“You brought me to an orgasm,” she confessed.

“And that’s bad? That’s wrong? We’re both supposed to enjoy ourselves,” he didn’t understand where
she was going with that.

“I’ve never orgasmed with a man before,” she confessed without taking her face out of the hollow
between his neck and shoulder. He almost thought he’d imagined it.

But then it all made sense. That was why she was so shy. So delicate and embarrassed.

“Melody... How many times have you made love?” though his heart burned with jealousy, he was
compelled to ask. “Look at me,” he demanded, “look me in the face and tell me how many times you
have been made love to.”

“Once,” she said looking at him at last. “Once and it just happened now. You have made love to me.”

“But you’re...”

“Pregnant,” she completed. “I know. But that time it didn’t feel like this. Don’t look at me like that. It’s the
truth. You wanted the truth. I don’t even know why we have to talk about this anymore.”

She made to get out of bed and walk away, but he stopped her.

“I’m just surprised you’d say that,” he grabbed her around the waist and forced her to look at him.
“Don’t be embarrassed, it’s hard to believe. You’re twenty-two years old. You’re going to be a mother.”

“Once. That was enough. I felt nothing...nothing compared to this. You...” she stopped and looked at
him with love, a love that surprised him and made him feel like the best person in the world. “You made
love to me. I can see the difference. You didn’t fuck me. You loved me for a few minutes. I felt that
here,” she took one of his hands and placed it on her breast. “You loved me while you were inside me,
and I’ll never forget that.”

“You don’t have to forget it. You don’t have to...”

“Yes,” she let out a tear and he was surprised by her sudden reaction.

“Melody? What’s wrong?”

“Yes, I have to remember. Because this won’t happen again. Because this...” she pointed at both of
them, “this can’t happen again. Because you’ll make me fall in love with you, love you. And I can’t love

“Don’t say that. It’s too early to draw those conclusions.”

“Don’t. It’s the right time. I can’t fall in love with you because you’ll eventually leave. You only want me
to cash out your inheritance,” she blinked, and more tears came from her beautiful eyes. Timothy sat
on the bed and tried to hug her, but she didn’t let him. He didn’t know what to say to her. She was right
and they knew it. “I can’t let my heart love you.”

“Don’t you dare say this was a mistake,” he pleaded more pained than he’d ever felt in his entire life.

“Never. And if it were a mistake, I’d say it was the best mistake of my life.”

She unclenched from his hands and got out of bed.

“Thank you for the best night of my life.”

She walked out of his room and he let her go. Because she was right.

Neither of them could get involved. This was just an arrangement. A way to collect his inheritance and
stay in the family company. He had no room to fall in love. She was too good for him. Their
arrangement would last six months tops. Before she gave birth, they would leave each other, and she
could move on with her life.

That hurt like hell, though.

Because he didn’t want her to leave.


Read The Italian&##039;s proposal Chapter 22 By Sheyla Garcia

The Italian&##039;s proposal Chapter 22 Updated Here. The Italian&##039;s proposal Author Sheyla Garcia update Chapter 22,With a simple smile, she stole his heart,Their love was a painting, vibrant and full of life,She found comfort in the sound of his heartbeat,She found strength in his unwavering support,With a stolen glance, they shared a secret smile,With a gentle whisper, he declared his love for her, The Italian&##039;s proposal Has the latest chapter been updated?


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