Novel Name : The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5380

Aurous Hill University, at this very moment.

On the vibrant playground, thousands of freshmen from different colleges and departments were being
divided into various squares for their military training.

The rigorous 14-day training had just commenced today.

Many of the freshmen still felt uneasy about the intense paramilitary exercises. Both boys and girls
were brimming with complaints.

The scorching sun showed no mercy, its intense heat punishing the newly enrolled freshmen who had
just embarked on their first year of studies.

A sudden explosion of thunder from the southwest startled all the students on the field. They turned
their gaze towards the dark clouds, and a sense of hidden joy swept over most of them.

They speculated that perhaps a sudden downpour was imminent.

Everyone felt that if heavy rain did fall, the training at this moment would most likely be suspended,
granting everyone a much-needed respite.

After all, training in the rain was far more bearable than enduring the searing heat of the sun.

The students eagerly awaited with hopeful anticipation as a grouping of menacing clouds consolidated
in the southwest, yearning for the sky to darken and envelop them in its shadow.

As everyone looked southwest with anticipation, Maria stared blankly at the dark cloud, furrowing her

Something about the dark cloud seemed peculiar to her.

At that moment, Claudia, standing beside her, couldn’t resist whispering, “Cathy, if it rains, maybe we
can get an early break!”

Claudia, having lived abroad, lacked understanding of and psychological preparation for the tradition of
military training for college freshmen.

She imagined it to be like a summer camp, with laughter and games, and the fourteen days passing by
joyfully. However, the intense paramilitary training lasting two weeks proved to be a challenging
adjustment for her. After a morning on her feet, she ended up with painful blisters, exacerbating her

Therefore, she secretly hoped that the military training could be temporarily halted, allowing her to

Maria shook her head upon hearing Claudia’s words and replied calmly, “I don’t think it will rain.”

Claudia persisted, saying, “With such vast clouds and such loud thunder, it’s evident that there’s
intense convective weather, rain is not out of the question. We could even have hailstorms! Let’s keep
our hopes up. Maybe our wish will come true!”

Maria forced a smile tinged with sadness and whispered, “To be honest, I hope for this rain more than
anyone else.”

The instructor noticed that many people were whispering and speculating about whether it would rain.
He shouted disapprovingly, “Everyone, no whispering! Today, even if you were under the knife, you
must continue training!”

Complaints filled the air.

At that moment, everyone observed the dark clouds in the southwest gradually dispersing, and the
thunder did not resound again.

Claudia couldn’t help expressing her disappointment, “Such massive dark clouds, and they’re
dissipating after just one thunderclap?”

It was then that Maria declared, “I need to go to the bathroom.”

The instructor, upon hearing this, stopped insisting and waved his hand. “Go! Hurry back!”

Maria felt a tinge of embarrassment and said, “Instructor, I… I’m on my period…”

Upon hearing her explanation, the instructor relented and allowed her to leave. “Go ahead! Come back

Maria whispered to Claudia, “Claudia, I have something to take care of.”

Before Claudia could fully process Maria’s words, she had already swiftly left the group.

In a rush, Maria left the playground and quickly changed into her military training camouflage uniform
back at her dormitory. She grabbed her mobile phone and put on a black disposable mask before
taking a pill that Jagoan had given her from the cabinet. She then dashed out the door.

Outside, she sent a message to Michelle and dialed Jagoan’s number while trotting toward the school

The recent thunder explosion had made her anxious, fearing it had something to do with Jagoan. So
she kept repeating to herself, “Please answer the phone… Please answer the phone…”

After a brief moment, Jagoan picked up the call and inquired, “Cathy, what’s the matter?”

Maria let out a sigh of relief upon hearing his voice and hastily said, “Brother, I want to express my
deep gratitude for what you did last time. So, I’d like to know when it’s convenient for you. I want to
invite you to dinner.”

Jagoan smiled and responded, “Let’s discuss it after your military training is over. During this time, you
should stay at school and not go anywhere.”

Then, Jagoan recollected something and asked her, “By the way, isn’t it currently the time for your
military training? How are you able to call me conveniently?”

Maria fabricated a story and replied, “There was a thunderstorm just now, and it seemed like it would
rain. So the instructor asked us to rest and check the weather.”

“Oh…” Jagoan furrowed his brow slightly, his mind racing to decipher Maria’s purpose for the call.

In his opinion, there were likely three reasons behind Maria’s call. First, she genuinely wanted to invite
him to dinner. Second, perhaps the thunderstorm had made her realize something was amiss, leading
her to call and confirm his safety. Third, maybe she deliberately mentioned the incident and the
thunderstorm on the phone to remind him to be cautious.

It was plausible that Maria called to ensure his safety and, once confirmed, subtly alerted him to the
thunderstorm for precautionary measures.

Having ensured Jagoan’s safety, Maria decided to refrain from talking on the phone further, fearing that
prolonged conversation might arouse his suspicions. Instead, she smiled and asked, “So, brother, what
do you think? You won’t refuse my dinner invitation once my military training is over, right?”

Jagoan readily agreed, saying, “Sure, when your military training concludes, I’ll accept your invitation.”

Maria smiled and replied, “Great! No problem!”

“Okay,” Jagoan said, “let me know when your military training ends.”

Maria took a deep breath and declared, “I’m sorry, brother, but I can’t chat now. The sky has cleared,
and we need to resume our military training.”

“Alright,” Jagoan didn’t overthink it and said, “Focus on your training.”

After ending the call with Jagoan, Maria didn’t return to the playground. Instead, she headed straight for
the school gate.

Wearing a mask, she waited there for a few minutes until Michelle pulled up in a Rolls-Royce by the

The luxury car came to a halt in front of Maria, and she swiftly hopped into the backseat. Michelle
asked with surprise, “Miss Clarke, why did you suddenly ask me to come? What’s the matter?”

Maria blurted out, “It’s nothing important. The military training is just too exhausting, and I don’t want to
participate anymore. Take me back home.”

Then she added, “By the way, Michelle, please inform the school authorities. Tell them that I haven’t
been feeling well lately, so I won’t be attending the military training.”

Michelle was taken aback for a moment but quickly regained her composure.

Military training was arduous, and it was understandable for a young lady like Maria to struggle with it.

She immediately replied, “Okay, Miss Clarke, I’ll take you back to the villa first. After that, I’ll
communicate with the school authorities…”

Soon, the Rolls-Royce, driven by Michelle, arrived at Zilian Villa.

Maria didn’t wait for Michelle to open the car door. Instead, she pushed it open herself and darted out.
Without looking back, she made her way towards her petite courtyard on the highest level. “Michelle,
starting today, I’ll be staying home and having three square meals a day. Just leave them outside my
courtyard door and you can leave after knocking.”

Michelle was surprised. She understood that Maria didn’t want to continue with the military training, but
she couldn’t comprehend why she didn’t want to leave her home either. However, as a servant, she
knew better than to ask too many questions. She responded without hesitation, “Alright, Miss Clarke, I
understand. As for your meals, do you have any special requests?”

“Anything will do,” Maria casually replied. “Just arrange it as you see fit.”

With that, she hurriedly ascended to the top floor, opened the door, and entered her small courtyard.

From a distance, Larry, who was advanced in years, witnessed Maria climbing the final steps.
Worriedly, he intercepted Michelle and inquired, “Wasn’t Maria supposed to be attending the military
training at school? Why did she suddenly return?”

Michelle shook her head blankly and replied, “Sir, Miss Clarke called me earlier to pick her up at the
university gate. Once in the car, she mentioned that she didn’t plan to participate in the military training.
She wanted to come back home and live here for a while. She even asked me to leave three meals a
day outside her courtyard gate…”

“Oh…” Larry nodded gently and said, “Apart from delivering meals to the young lady, no one should
disturb her.”

“Understood, sir,” Michelle acknowledged. She knew her master held Maria in great esteem, so his
instructions didn’t come as a surprise.

She took out her mobile phone and said respectfully, “Sir, I’ll call the head of Aurous Hill University to
inform him.”

Larry nodded and replied, “Go ahead.”

In that very moment, Gideon, exhilarated after testing the might of Thunderbolt, returned to the bustling
urban area, brimming with joy. His first order of business upon reaching the city was to make a beeline
for Antique Street in search of Zachary.

However, at that precise moment, Zachary had heeded Jagoan’s instructions and closed his stall
ahead of schedule. Gideon, scanning the row of open stalls in vain for Zachary, approached one of the
stall owners with a touch of desperation. “Excuse me,” he implored, “why are you shutting down so
early in the afternoon?”

The man’s voice resonated louder as he replied, “Haven’t you read the weather forecast? It warned of
possible extreme weather. We’re closing up shop to await the rainstorm. We’re already behind

Gideon’s realization dawned upon him in that very instant. He pondered to himself, “There’s no such
thing as extreme weather—it’s simply the thunder I conjured up in the mountains. Nevertheless, this
indirectly proves that the thunder I summoned was truly earth-shattering.”

In his quest to locate Zachary, Gideon adopted a different approach and ended up purchasing two
valuable antiques from him, paying a steep price. After careful consideration, he decided to find lodging
near Antique Street for the night and resume his search for Zachary come morning.

Nightfall arrived, and Gideon found himself sitting cross-legged on the bed, yet unable to find comfort.
The reason was clear—he was consumed by excitement, unable to extricate himself from its clutches.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, he reached for Thunderbolt once more. As he caressed the weapon, he
couldn’t help but muse, “Truly, possessing such a powerful magical tool is a divine blessing.”

“Twenty years ago, I accomplished great feats by beheading Bruce and his wife at this very location.
And now, two decades later, I’ve acquired another extraordinary treasure here. Aurous Hill truly is my
blessed land!”

While he sighed, his mobile phone buzzed, receiving an Internet call from the Lord. Startled, he quickly
answered the call and spoke with utmost respect, “My lord…”

On the other end, a cold voice inquired sharply, “Gideon, when did you arrive in Aurous Hill?”

Gideon hastened to reply, “Lord, I arrived this morning.”

The Lord continued, “It must be late at night where you are now, You’ve been in Aurous Hill for over
fifteen hours, so why haven’t you taken any action against the Evans Family?”

“Lord, I haven’t had the chance to familiarize myself with the surroundings in Aurous Hill…” Gideon

The Lord interrupted, “Didn’t I already inform you? The Evans Family resides in Willow Estates in
Aurous Hill. Simply make your way there in the middle of the night and eliminate them all, without
delay. We wouldn’t want any unexpected developments during the night. What else is there to
familiarize yourself with? It’s a straightforward task.”

“My lord, please understand that I may need some time to thoroughly understand the situation
surrounding the Evans Family. If we attack them now and miss any escapees who aren’t present at
Willow Estates, it could complicate matters…” Gideon pleaded.

The Lord’s voice turned icy, “Tonight, Samuel, his wife, and their three sons and one daughter are all at
Willow Estates! This is your best opportunity to strike! It’s already two o’clock in the morning where you
are. If you set off now, you’ll have enough time to send the Evans Family on their final journey before

Respectfully, Gideon responded, “My lord, allow me to investigate Bruce and the whereabouts of
Evan’s family. I haven’t found any clues regarding Bruce’s son yet. If I attack the Evans Family
prematurely, that boy may be frightened and remain hidden…”

The Lord snorted coldly, “All you need to do is eliminate Samuel, his wife, and their three sons and one
daughter. The boy will naturally surface!”

Surprised, Gideon asked, “My lord, may I dare inquire why you’re so certain?”

The Lord replied in an icy tone, “Samuel established the succession order for the Evans Family’s
assets. If anything were to happen to him and his children, the family’s assets would be split in two.
Half would be inherited by the three sons and one daughter, while the other half would go to Bruce’s
son. In other words, once they’re deceased, the boy becomes the heir to the largest share of the Evans
Family’s assets. As long as that boy lives, he won’t be able to resist the temptation. No matter where
he is, he will undoubtedly emerge to claim this vast inheritance. And that’s when you can easily
eliminate him!”

With that, the Lord concluded, “Time is of the essence, so make your move now!”

Gideon’s heart skipped a beat. For some time, he had known that his primary mission upon arriving in
Aurous Hill was to eradicate the Evans Family. However, discovering not one, but two enchanted
weapons upon his arrival had taken him by surprise.

Now, he hoped to follow Zachary’s lead and uncover more magical artifacts. In this scenario, he wasn’t
willing to act against the Evans Family immediately.

Ranked as the third most powerful family worldwide, the Evans Family possessed the ability to sway
global public opinion with every action they took. Their influence was widely recognized.

He was well aware that once the Evans Family met their demise, authorities would launch an extensive
investigation. He couldn’t fathom how many capable individuals and outsiders would flock to Aurous
Hill to uncover the truth.

His actions in Aurous Hill would be severely restricted at that point.

It was even possible that after committing murder, he would be hunted by law enforcement agencies
both in this country and around the world. How could he then pursue Zachary’s trail?

After all, Zachary wasn’t a pivotal figure in the grand scheme of things. Even if he killed him, it wouldn’t
lead him to his family’s whereabouts. Such matters required finesse rather than brute force…

Thus, the optimal solution was to deal with Zachary. The Lord could grant him a few more days to delve
deeper into Zachary’s connections before focusing on the Evans Family without any distractions!

Just as he hesitated, unsure of how to request the Lord’s forgiveness, the Lord questioned sharply,
“Gideon, since I ordered you to go to Aurous Hill, you’ve been wavering. You still haven’t given me a
definitive answer. Do you have ulterior motives regarding the Warriors Den?”

Gideon trembled, feeling a cold shiver crawl up his spine as if he were being pricked by countless
needles. Fearfully and sincerely, he responded, “Lord, you misunderstand me. I am loyal to the
Warriors Den and would never entertain thoughts of betrayal… It’s just… I still have something to report
to you in the future!”

The Lord’s voice turned cold once more, “Speak.”

Gideon pondered for a moment, clenched his teeth, and said, “My lord, today in Aurous Hill, I obtained
a magical weapon!”

Read The Charismatic Charlie Wade - the best
manga of 2020

Of the Lord Leaf stories I have ever read, perhaps the most impressive thing is The Charismatic
Charlie Wade. The story is too good, leaving me with many doubts. Currently the manga has been
translated to Chapter 5380. Let's read now the author's The Charismatic Charlie Wade Lord Leaf
story right here


The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and
continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

Read The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 5380 By Lord Leaf

The Charismatic Charlie Wade Chapter 5380 Updated Here. The Charismatic Charlie Wade Author Lord Leaf update Chapter 5380,In a garden of roses, their love blossomed,Their love was a sunrise, bringing light to their darkest days,With a stolen moment, they shared a secret embrace,With a tender kiss, he sealed their love forever,She knew she was home whenever she was with him,In the silence of the night, they shared whispered promises, The Charismatic Charlie Wade Has the latest chapter been updated?


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